Kenny Chesney Spreads the Love with a Fund for Boston

11 years ago Liv Carter Comments Off on Kenny Chesney Spreads the Love with a Fund for Boston

Kenny Chesney has long combined his chart-topping success with humanitarian efforts. The singer has now teamed with Boston Medical Center in establishing the Spread the Love Fund.

The new fund will help pay for post-acute care for victims of traumatic injuries from the Boston Marathon bombings at BMC or other Boston hospitals. Chesney started things off with a substantial donation himself and will also be donating all proceeds from the downloaded iTunes single sales of ‘Spread the Love,’ his track co-written and produced by the Wailers.

“It’s hard to imagine a world where taking your children to school, going to the movies or witnessing something as iconic as the Boston Marathon is a dangerous thing to do,” Chesney says. “For me, I want to help give these people as much of their lives back as possible, but I’d also like to counteract some of the negativity in the world… Remind people that there are more good people out there, and it’s up to us to ‘Spread the Love.”

For more information and to make an online donation, please visit

You can also mail donations to:
Boston Medical Center, Office of Development
801 Massachusetts Avenue, First Floor – Boston, MA 02118-2393
Please contact with any questions.


Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter