Single Review: ‘Changed’ – Rascal Flatts

11 years ago Liv Carter 1
rascal flatts changed single review
Big Machine Records

Songwriters: Gary LeVox, Wendell Mobley, Neil Thrasher

Following their Top 10 hit, ‘Come Wake Me Up,’ Rascal Flatts release another power ballad, the title track of their most recent album, ‘Changed.’

Releasing two slow songs back to back is generally a no-no for country radio, but if anyone can do this successfully, it is this trio. ‘Changed’ is a story of redemption, of realizing past mistakes and cleaning up you act. Or at least, it could have been. Written to Music Row formula, the song starts off very strong with a great first verse and a great chorus, but then runs out of things to say. If LeVox, Mobley and Thrasher had taken the time to model the second verse on the first and use it to further explain the why and the how of his redemption, or give details about what this changed person is feeling now, this song could have been an example for all. Now, it is a good single with a lot of missed potential.

As with much of the material on the Changed album, it is clear how much more effective LeVox is as a singer when the vocal gymnastics are dialed back, and he is really allowed to just sing. The contrast shows up when he gets close to oversinging by the end of the song. His interpretation of the first verse and the bridge especially is just wonderful.

‘Changed’ might prove to be too much of the same thing for radio, but it is a solid release nonetheless.

(As an aside, given that this song carries a very positive message, I don’t really understand the long faces on the single cover art.)




Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter