10 Question’s with…Eden’s Edge

12 years ago Liv Carter Comments Off on 10 Question’s with…Eden’s Edge
Photo: Big Machine Records

Bluegrass-country-rock fusion trio Eden’s Edge is having a big year! A new record, a new tour, and a ton of other stuff in between has kept them busy, but All Access caught up with them for a quick Q&A.

1) Thank y’all for taking the time to do this! I know y’all are crazy busy here lately with the new record out, and the tour coming up. Tell me what’s been going on!
Hannah Blaylock
: We have been so busy the past few months and it’s just getting started! We’ve been on the road all winter long and in the studio finishing up the album, and then we just were at CMA Fest as well, so we’ve been going nonstop!

2) How did you three get together?
Cherrill Green
: I grew up in a family bluegrass band and Hannah grew up in a family folk/Americana band and Dean had rock bands with his friends. I went to college in the town where Dean and Hannah went to high school, Russellville. We met through a friend, Steve Smith, who had started a band with Hannah and her parents when Hannah was in high school. Steve’s son Andrew is Dean’s age and I went to college with Andrew. So Steve asked Dean and I to join the band.

3) Y’all have had a lot of “firsts” in the last little bit- first single, first video, and now a first studio album. What’s been the biggest adjustment? Your lives have to be completely different now.
: I would say right now that really the biggest way our lives have changed is that we’re just busier so the biggest adjustment is trying to get things done at home the few days we’re in Nashville! Music has always been a big factor in each of our lives, that that part of it has stayed the same, just on a grander scale now.

4) Did you write a lot for the new record?
Dean Berner
: We each wrote a ton of songs and it was really hard to pick the ones that ended up on the album. Fortunately for us our CD is also being sold in Cracker Barrel and they have 3 exclusive tracks, so we got to add 3 more!

5) Who are some of your influences?
: We all have different musical backgrounds, so we have a mesh of influences. Everything from The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Allison Krauss, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, The Judds and Dixie Chicks. It’s a wide array.

6) What are some of your favorite hot spots in Nashville?
: When we’re actually in Nashville we love to EAT. We all live in East Nashville, and there are a ton of great restaurants over there.

7) Do you remember your first show together? What was that like?
: Our first show at Valley Fest in Russellville and it was a town festival back home in the summer. It was with our old band, with Hannah’s parents still playing with us. I just remember thinking that musically, it just clicked.

8) What are the best/ worst parts about touring?
: The worst is not sleeping! The best though is definitely getting to see the US and getting to meet and hopefully make new fans and sharing our music with them.

9) Set the scene when you guys first realized the “band potential.” When you “knew” you three had something special.
: I grew up singing in a family band so I was used to singing with my sister all the time and just having the intuition of knowing where the other one was going musically. When I sang with Hannah the first time, it was the first time I ever felt like I was singing with my sister so I knew it was something special.

10) What are your guilty pleasures while out on the road?
: Eating pizza after the shows!


Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter