Go Ahead, Take a Mental Health Break…

10 years ago Liv Carter Comments Off on Go Ahead, Take a Mental Health Break…
sturgill simpson live
screenshot from teamcoco.com

There are days when it’s all just a little too much and you want to take a little break to regroup. I don’t know about you, but for me, shutting the world out for a few minutes with a really great song often does the trick.

Luckily for us, Sturgill Simpson stopped by Conan yesterday to provide us with just such an opportunity. He performed ‘Living the Dream,’ from his highly-praised album, Metamodern Sounds in Country Music.

The praise has not only come from music critics, but from his musical peers. Simpson has been quietly gathering a loyal and increasingly growing following, and did so mostly through word-of-mouth. He can count Jake Owen and Keith Urban among his fans, so much so that Urban took to social media a few months back to rave about the music!

As an independent musician, Sturgill is represented by one of the biggest PR companies and this is starting to lead to even more exposure. He already joined David Letterman on The Late Show, and now gave the world this great performance on Conan.

So go ahead, take that little break you need today.

Watch the performance of ‘Living the Dream’ here!

For more on Sturgill Simpson, please visit www.sturgillsimpson.com.

Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter