Single Review: ‘Done’ – The Band Perry

11 years ago Liv Carter 11

Songwriters: Neil Perry, Reid Perry, John Davidson, Jacob Bryant

Right from the start, The Band Perry have been difficult to categorize within country music. The trio has shown great creativity and intelligence in their writing and song choices. Their new album, Pioneer, is just a few weeks away and the project’s first single, ‘Better Dig Two,’ already topped the charts. Following that story of undying love, the second single, ‘Done,’ explores love gone wrong.

‘Momma told me that I should play nice / but she didn’t know you when she gave me that advice,’ Kimberly spits out at the start of the chorus. On this kiss-off, annoyance with her former lover flavors her performance, and it is done so well that by the time she gets to the final ‘UGH!’ you want to cheer her on.

Written with fellow Major Bob writers John & Jacob, the song absolutely plays to the trio’s strengths. Just like its predecessor, ‘Done’ is sonically incredibly creative. Full of funky guitars, producer Dann Huff built a track that prioritizes rhythm over everything else, including during the guitar solo when the mix keeps the lead slightly pushed back. Multiple layers of background vocals are nicely embedded in the track, filling it out but never interfering with Kimberly’s vocals.

‘Done’ will impact radio on March 11, 2013 and further shows that Pioneer could be one of the most exciting albums this year.





Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter