Single Review: Take Ya Back – Corey Wagar

12 years ago Liv Carter Comments Off on Single Review: Take Ya Back – Corey Wagar

Songwriters: Corey Wagar, Cece DuBois, Beau Fuller

Each year, there are several hit songs which reminds us of the associative power of music – its ability to instantly transport us back to a memory. So, how to write a song about this very same subject and make it sound like a fresh idea? Exactly the way Corey Wagar did with ‘Take Ya Back.’

Starting off with the chorus, before the banjo, fiddle and power chords kick in, she throws the message straight at you – Ain’t nothing like a song that it’ll take ya back. Wagar reminisces about childhood memories of her dad ‘strumming ‘Free Bird’ on a steel guitar’ and of time spent with ‘a hairbrush microphone lip-syncing to Shania Twain.’

While the premise is simple, the underlying idea is found in the second verse as she examines just why we like to remember. The salient part of the lyrics explains: ‘those good old days come back to me/when music sparks a memory/can’t help but smile/’cause they made me/who I am today.’

The clever Kent Wells production is a perfect mix of old-school country instrumentation and modern sounds, fitting well with Wagar’s warm vocal.

This tune is impressive and will hopefully set Corey Wagar off on a conquest of the summer country radio airwaves.

Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter