Single Review: ‘Chase a Little Love’ – LoCash Cowboys

11 years ago Liv Carter 4
Average Joes
Average Joes

Songwriters: Preston Brust, Jaron Boyer

Duo LoCash Cowboys are rebooting their career after teaming up with Average Joes Entertainment late last year. ‘Chase a Little Love’ is the first single from the upcoming album due out in June.

The song has a hopeful romantic describing a country song date-night he has been planning, involving moonlight, an old road, and rolled-down windows. Not unlike the guy in Florida Georgia Line‘s ‘Cruise,’ the unnecessary details he gives about the truck add extra charm to the character, given a voice through Chris Lucas‘ inviting lead vocal. Not that there wasn’t already plenty of charm in Preston Brust and Jaron Boyer‘s lyrics; the chorus is so perfect I want to live in it!

Producers Shannon Houchins and Noah Gordon gave the song only what it needs with not a superfluous note anywhere in their very considered arrangement and mix. Nothing but a soulful, layered groove carries the verses forward, with the last two lines accented with drums and some ’80s rock inspired woh-ohs. Steel and fiddle alternate line to line in the chorus, though the duo of country music staples sits a little too low in the mix and might be missed by radio listeners.

As the first single of a new era, ‘Chase a Little Love’ is the perfect choice. It eschews big kick drums, stomping beats, and loud guitars, and instead relies on the strong melody of the chorus and the imagery in the lyrics. I suggest finding a pretty stretch of road on a sunny day, rolling down the windows, and turning this song up. Loud.




Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter