Single Review – Felt Good on My Lips – Tim McGraw

14 years ago Liv Carter Comments Off on Single Review – Felt Good on My Lips – Tim McGraw

What is going on with Tim McGraw? He used to be one of the most consistent artists but over the last few years the single choices have been all over the place. Released as the single off the upcoming (yet another) compilation album, ‘Felt Good on my Lips’, also manages to be all over the place all by itself.

The lyrics switch between being cliche and cute, the verses sound intimate while the chorus is overblown. Driven forward by bass and drums, this song sees the protagonist recount a one-night brief encounter with an exotic lady and applying the ‘it felt good on my lips’ line to various things such as her name, the song they sang and the kiss they shared. It’s a neat songwriting trick and it could have made for a decent single if it were not for the bizarre production choices.

Mangled almost beyond recognition here, Tim does not need any voice filtering studio trickery applied to his vocals. The result is a voice bleached of all emotion. I am assuming the record company is behind this single choice and arrangement which they probably deemed “radio-friendly” in this soft-rock-dressed-as-country era. It was not a good idea.

Liv Carter

Liv Carter

Liv is a career coach for creatives, and the people who work with them.
She holds several certificates from Berklee College of Music, and a certificate in Positive Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Her main influences are coffee, cats, and Alexander Hamilton.
Liv Carter